WP 5: Support in policy and Action Plan is at the core of the project and represents its work to bring deep and widespread impact in promoting ecological connectivity and transnational ecosystems’ integration. It covers:
a. Study on state of art in BalkanMed wetland relevant policies and on links with other sectoral and territorial plans such as agriculture, fishery, water management.
b. Organization of a living lab/workshop on ecological connectivity and transnational ecosystems’ integration. Visible scientific results in format of info graphics and maps become the baseline information to support the integration of a common action plan on wetland ecosystem connectivity across the Balkan Mediterranean territory.
c. Integration of project results into policy and action plan.
Specific deliverables include:
D5.x.1. | State of art report on wetland relevant policies |
D5.x.2. | Living Lab workshop on transnational wetland ecosystem integration |
D5.x.3. | Integration of project results into policy and action plan |