University of Forestry, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

University of Forestry, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

Location: Kliment Ohridski 10, Sofia 1797, BULGARIA
Contact person: PhD Petar Petrov
Phone number: +359 888 800 844

The University of Forestry was established in 12 January 1953 with Decree of the National Assembly of Bulgaria and was initially called The Higher Forestry Institute. Its actual name dates from 1995. The Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture was established in July 1994.

As a state institution of higher education, the main scope of the University of Forestry’s work is the implementation of the state policy for development of higher education and science in the Republic of Bulgaria. It functions in a unique way, combining a complex of studies related to the management and provision of natural resources, products and services. The University of Forestry is recognized educational and scientific center that provides education and research in six faculties with eponymous studies: Faculty of Forestry, Forest Industry, Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine and Business Management.

The Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture prepares highly qualified specialists with higher education (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in Ecology and Environmental Protection and Landscape Architecture with knowledge, skills and competencies based on international practice and national traditions. Educational, research and applied research activities are combined for solving problems related to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, and for creating and maintaining a healthy and esthetic environment.

With its highly qualified academic staff of prominent and internationally recognized lecturers and scientists, the University of Forestry and the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture provide modern advanced training in line with the European standards, integrate education with research and provide modern material and technical basis, applying innovations and the best practices.

The University of Forestry with its Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture is the Lead Partner of the project. It manages the implementation of the activities, but also has a leading role in the Joint pilot BalkanMed wetland assessments and a contribution as а Research Partner in the scientific work.