WP3: BalkanMed Wetland Identification & Connectivity

WP3: BalkanMed Wetland Identification & Connectivity covers:
a. Identification and mapping of wetlands all over the BalkanMed territory (Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Cyprus) through the help of the new satellite images freely provided by ESA. Production of GIS layers per each country. Carry out of field verification and population of a common database.
b. Data analysis for meaningful indicators on BalkanMed wetland spatial distribution and connectivity within and outside protected networks.
c. Organization of a Technical Workshop/Training on Territorial connectivity.

Specific deliverables include:

D3.x.1. Database and mapping layers on BalkanMed wetland ecosystems
D3.x.2. BalkanMed wetland connectivity indicators/ Infographs
D3.x.4. Technical Workshop/Training: Territorial connectivity