WP2: Communication & Dissemination

The main goal of WP2: Communication & Dissemination refers to the active exchange of the project progress with the target groups especially stakeholders. Variety of approaches serves to public participation and all stakeholders involvement.

As communication and dissemination of the WetMainAreas progress and results are essential to make the project visible as widely as possible, a particular weight is given to ensure involvement of the partners, stakeholders and decision makers participation. It addresses management bodies, regional authorities, agriculture and tourism sector, higher education and research, etc. and fosters messages to be communicated, measures to be used as well as their timing.

Specific deliverables include:

D2.x.1. Communication Strategy and Plan
D2.x.2. Interactive web map of BalkanMed wetlands and protected network
D2.x.3. Promotional material: website/leaflets
D2.x.4. Public / Dissemination events folders
D2.x.5. e-Publication (via internet).